MFI Ribbon Mixer / Blender

The Ribbon Mixers have been used in industry for many years to blend powders, granular solids, and even for adding small quantities of liquids to dry solids.
They are very efficient, and work especially well when used to blend low viscosity materials.
They can be used in either a batch or continuous mode, although most are used in batch operations.
The standard ribbon agitator design is a double ribbon with interrupted outer flight, which evenly distributes the mass of material throughout the entire
length of the mixing bowl, giving a very uniform mixing action.
The standard construction features of our ribbon mixers include heavy, welded steel construction, which is
leak proof.
Corners are fillet welded. Anti frictions bearings are used, adjustable gland type shaft seals are standard.
Mixer supports are heavy structural steel, welded to mixer body, providing reasonable working clearance underneath.
Center discharge is most common, however end or side discharge is available.
The motor drives are either chain driven of shaft driven with suitable gear reducers and appropriate horsepower motors.


  • Heavy Gauge, Stainless Steel or Mild Steel shell with welded end plates.
  • Helical Gear Motor Chain Drive makes most efficient use of input horsepower with completely enclosed steel chain guard.
  • Air purged seals are standards.
  • Full heavy duty gauge cover.